Saturday, February 04, 2006
Sábado, sabadete.....Little Saturday (Español - English)

Ayer toda la noche bebiendo.....Hoy lloviendo en NY. Hoy es uno de estos días en los que no sabes qué hacer.
He estado en New Jersey esta mañana (Hoboken), he desayunado por la zona pero, al llegar a Manhattan ha empezado a llover. Vaya dia! Ahora empieza el dilema de la cena...aptc un poco de vino, un poco de tortilla o algo así rápido. Pues para los que no hayais visitado Hoboken, estaria muy guay que fuerais.
Hoy me entran paranoias de esas que, supongo que todo el mundo hace pero no dice. Pero ya diré poquito a

I was drinking all nite! Today it's raining like hell. I think this day is one of these days that u don't know what to do!
Today I was in New Jersey (Hoboken), I had my breakfast in the area and then, I went back to Manhattan (where it started to rain). What a day, man!
Now, the dinner affair starts, I'd love a couple of glasses of red wine, a little omelette or something quick. To those who never been in Hoboken before, I recommend u go there.
Today I got several paranoias that, I guess, everyone thinks about but nobody says. But I will tell u, guys, step by step....what I think cuz it could be quite strong for you and, I could even say, that u would think I'm in front of the door of craziness. Yesterday, I also went to Fiddlestick's (a great Irish bar). Whitney is the bartender there (pic). She is moving to Australia (she always laughs at her experiences. She even crushed her finger in 2 parts cuz a bottle of Absolute fell down ...nice, huh!) Anyway, everyone's looking for his future. Let's see if I find out mine. It will be okay, though! :-)