Tuesday, July 24, 2007
¿Quién puede enderezar lo que Dios hizo torcido? - Who’s able to straighten up what God made twisted?

Es verano ya, y el riesgo de incendio está, este año, más alto que nunca! No creo que se vaya a incendiar el bosque pero, si pasara, también sé quién le echaría agua :)...
Con agua o sin ella, los objetivos del otoño ya están perfilados, no sea que el frío llegue pronto y me vaya a quedar sin hojas antes de lo pensado. En NY florecido, en Berlín medio helado, este año medio seco: vaya bosque me ha tocado! Y, ahora, me sale la rima y todo...el nuevo bosque ha nacido!! un árbol más alto, otro más bajo y otro caído! Quién puede enderezar lo que Dios hizo torcido!! :)

It’s already summer and the risk of the forest fire is, during this year, pretty high. I don’t think the forest will be burned but if it happened somehow, I know who would throw some water :-).
With or without water, all my goals for the fall are shaped, just in case the unexpected cold arrives and it pulls up my leaves. In Ny I was bloomed, in Berlin I was almost frozen, what a stupid forest I’ve gotten! And now here the poems are again! What a crazy forest I got, man! One of the trees is higher, the other smaller, that one fucked up…how come I missed it? Who’s able to straighten up what God made twisted?
It's almost 5.00 am
Friday, July 20, 2007
¡Hola! - Hello!

Operadora: Hola / Operator: Hi
Marc: Qué tal ? / Marc: How are you doing!?
Operadora: Todo bien, y usted? / I'm all right, how are you doing?
Marc: Todo perfecto ..bueno...ehh / I feel great .. well..mm....
Operadora: Dígame / Operator: Yes?
Marc: Sólo queria saludar a mis amigos / Marc: I only wanna say hello to my friends
Operadora: Adelante! / Operator: Go ahead!
Marc: HOLA!!!!!!! / Marc: HELLO!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
New York, New York
Start spreading the news I'm leaving today I want to be a part of it, New York
, New York These vagabond shoes Are longing to stray And make a brand new start of it New York, New York I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap These little town blues Are melting away I'll make a brand new start of it In old New York If I can make it there I'll make it anywhere It's up to you, New York, New York. I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap These littletown blues Are melting away I'll make a brand new start of it In old New York If I can make it there I'll make it anywhere It's up to you, New York, New York.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Perdut a Berlin - Lost in Berlin (Català - English)

Són les 5 del matí i, després de tres long islands desaprofitats, camino pels carrers de Berlin. El sol ja puja, és com mig de nit mig de dia. Vaig pels passadissos del metro escribint en aquesta mena de tovalló de bar que m'he trobat pel terra de l'estació. Ara mateix somric: sóc feliç, estic trist, tinc valor, sóc cobard, sóc el Marc...o sóc el nou Marc...o vell?! o el de sempre? I

El pitjor de totes aquestes preguntes no és el fet de no saber les respostes....és la puta impotència que em dona no poder discutir-les.
Kina rallada deu meu
Hey Wen!
It's around 5am and, after some Long Island Iced Teas I try to walk through the streets i
n Berlin. I'm in the subway corridors trying to write down on a kind of napkin I found on the floor of the cafe in the main station. I'm smiling right now: I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm full of courage, I'm just coward...I'm Marc...the new Marc..or the old one? Or the Marc I've always been! And behind these basic questions, I got some others like: Am I doing this cuz I really need it? Do I want it? Do I desire it? Is it my duty? a hobby? maybe a need? pleasure? an escape? an illusion? I don't know what the
hell it is...maybe a goal, a decision...Of course it's a decision but is it based on an experience? a degradation? in order to overcome my fears? in order to have them? to run away of my life? to build a life from the escape? Am I alone? Am I with somebody else? Am I learning? Am I destroying myself? Do I want it? Do I hate it? Do I take advantage of it? Do I throw it out?...I dunno, Wen, more confused than ever! Am I
helping someone? Am I betraying me? Am I supporting the others? Am I waiting for someone? No idea where, who or what I'm waiting for! Is it power? weakness? inconstancy? Do I got the answer? Or maybe...someone can give it to me!? Do I need somebody for that? Or..Am I able to find out by myself? Only by myself? The others were supposed to be part of me, weren't they? But do you think they think about it? Do they? Do I think about 'em? Am I my absolute owner? Do they have influence on me? Do I
influence on someone's life? I dunno...cuz I don't normally share these lifes... or do I? And where I am? Do they know it? Do I gotta say it? Do I have to say it? or maybe..Do I need to say it? Maybe they wanna share it with me but how about sharing what u don't wanna share at all? How about sharing what they dont wanna share with me? And how about: " Where there's a will there's a way" Is there a will? Is there a way? Is it possible to have a will and no way? Can I find a way with no will? I dunno
where nor why I am. How about: If I need you, why do I leave you? Do you need me? Do u mind if I leave you? Do u wanna be with me? Do u want the best for me ...or for you? Do u wanna pack the bag or unpack it? Living with nothing? Living with everything? Losing your self-control? Or controlling yourself? Crying for or with someone? Meeting up somebody somewhere...or getting lost with somebody? Travelling to enjoy? or enjoy while travelling? Laughing just to keep from crying or crying just to keep from laughing? Feeling different inside or feeling the same outside?
Drinking in order to forget? or in order to remember¿...Remember how to live? Forgetting how to die? Feeling great to live? Living to feel great? I dunno...We are all the same, we want the same but we try to find it with different tools and ways. Differences make us find what we wanna find. I don't even know if they like me in this country, or they don't! That's why I think we are not so different! What's adaptation? Trying not to feel different and carrying out what some assholes ordered us? Do I really need to adapt myself in an indifferent world that doesn't care about the difference? Indifference is adapted to the normality. We are all different, we are all the same..I dunno!
What it's really annoying is not the fact that I don't know all these answers...it's the fucking powerlessness I feel everytime I think I'm not able to argue about them.
Ouf!! Good nite,
Bona nit.
It's around 5am and, after some Long Island Iced Teas I try to walk through the streets i

What it's really annoying is not the fact that I don't know all these answers...it's the fucking powerlessness I feel everytime I think I'm not able to argue about them.
Ouf!! Good nite,
Bona nit.