Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Los Desayunos - Breakfast (Español - English)

El sonido de una cucharita chocando con la taza, el aroma de la bollería recién sacada del horno …todo envuelto en los estruendos de una máquina espresso con ganas de salpicar la tacita que, solitaria, espera a llenarse poco a poco y dar la fuerza necesaria para gestar la jornada. Me recuerda a una estación de tren…la locomotora a punto de salir…el vapor es la energía y el aroma, el paisaje que ves desde el tren. Y solo me falta mirar por la ventana de la cafetería…cuando el sol aún está naranja y los primeros rayos me hacen cerrar los ojos…Es como viajar en tren. Charlas…ruidos…aromas….es una fiesta de sentidos y de ilusion: ¿dónde iremos hoy?
Breakfast is something really important. I love having breakfast, being delighted in its flavour. This flavour is totally comparable to the new day’s illusion. And everyday has a different flavour, of course. I really think that a working day can be definitely influenced by how, where and who you take the breakfast with.
The sound of a teaspoon clinking with the cup, the smell of fresh pastries coming out of an old oven…everything wrapped in aproars carried out by an espresso machine that feels like crashing into the little cup. Lonely, it waits to be filled step by step…to give the day enough strength. It reminds me of a train station, the locomotive about to leave, the steam is, of course, the energy and the smell is the landscape you see through the window of the train. And the last thing that comes out is the sun…that is still orange. It’s like taking a train. Speeches, noises, aromas of coffee…It’s a party of illusion mixed with feelings. Where are we going today?
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